Yoga for Women’s Health

Welcome Yoginis! I am passionate about the intersection of yoga and women’s health, and am blessed and honored to offer specialized yoga therapy to support women’s health in a variety of ways. As a yoga therapist, I recognize that women’s bodies go through specialized and unique experiences, spanning from menarche to menopause and beyond. I also recognize that the modern Western medical system often has limited understanding and resources for women to navigate their hormonal, menstrual, and pelvic health. Yoga sees these uniquely feminine experiences as occurring not just in the body, but within every dimension of being, affecting us at the energetic, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. I offer specialized tools to honor, respect, and support these deep transformations that occur throughout our lives.

Within the vast body of knowledge that comprises yoga, there are many beautiful and nourishing practices that can help support us through these multidimensional transformative experiences. I offer yoga therapy, yoga nidra, workshops, and small group sessions for women to help support, heal, and navigate experiences of menstrual discomfort, prenatal support, postpartum healing, peri-menopause, hormonal imbalances, endometriosis, PCOS, prolapse, and more. I believe yoga has a unique capacity to support women’s health further by supporting a reconnection to the rhythmic cycles of life as they occur daily, monthly, and seasonally. By restoring rhythmic cycles and cyclical living, we help to realign the body with its own healing wisdom and further support health at every level.